Ensure that local law enforcement agencies use evidence-based policing strategies to combat violent crime.

  • Provide local law enforcement agencies with performance incentives to reduce violent crime.
  • Encourage law enforcement agencies to review policing tactics currently used in their departments against the most recent research on effective policing practices.
  • Incentivize data collection and analysis at the local level to measure outcomes of policing strategies.
  • Support rural jurisdictions in identifying and implementing evidence-based policing strategies.
  • Provide oversight to ensure that law enforcement agencies are not using policing strategies that are known to be detrimental to public safety.
  • Incentivize evaluation of the impact of local policing strategies in reducing crime.

Advance violent crime reduction efforts by improving trust and cooperation between communities and police.

  • Create accountability for law enforcement agencies in establishing and maintaining positive relationships with the community.
  • Improve training on how to implement community policing with fidelity.
  • Provide resources to smaller jurisdictions to help increase the use of policing strategies that build trust.
  • Support local law enforcement agencies in surveying the community to determine perceptions of police and levels of trust.

Provide law enforcement officers with the necessary tools and resources to respond to the needs of their communities.

  • Require behavioral health intervention training for law enforcement officers and assist local agencies in implementing best practices such as CIT models.
  • Require training for police officers in opioid death prevention strategies, and provide state funding to support local jurisdictions in developing naloxone programs.
  • Facilitate partnerships between state behavioral health agencies and local law enforcement agencies.
  • Increase funding to state crime labs.
  • Increase standards for training and resources for officer wellness.