Strategy 4: Track results.
Ensure that state agencies have the capacity to collect performance measures.
- Invest in IT upgrades or develop new infrastructure necessary to accurately collect data regularly.
- Support local government efforts to collect and report data.
- Identify key performance measures and metrics that must be tracked to analyze whether policy reforms are working as intended.
- Ensure that state and local criminal justice agencies share data, as appropriate, to facilitate analysis of performance measures and metrics.
Establish responsibility for reporting and monitoring results.
- Identify agencies that are responsible for tracking key measures and metrics and create a process for them to regularly report data.
- Establish a leadership body responsible for holding agencies accountable for reporting data, monitoring results, and providing recommendations for improvement.
Educate stakeholders, policymakers, and the public to maintain momentum.
- Create user-friendly data reports to make information available and accessible to criminal justice system stakeholders.
- Develop an outreach strategy to engage and educate stakeholders and the public on progress and outcomes of reforms.
- Adjust statute, policy, or implementation strategy based on data and stakeholder feedback, as necessary.